If you can ask a simple question once, we will do everything else and we will both benefit financially, over and over again!

If it is going to work for everyone - it has to be SIMPLE!

Worldwide Opportunity For Referring

No cost - No selling - No presenting - Ask a simple question once.


Any business - Anywhere!


Any cause - Anywhere!


Anyone - Anywhere!

What you get for referring?


You will get up to 10%* of the total amount that the business pays us for referring people to their business, excluding any applicable taxes.

Fundraising Opportunities

You will get 10% of the total amount that is given to the fundraising opportunity that you have DIRECTLY referred by to our service.


You will get 10% of the total amount that the person DIRECTLY referred by you receives, for ALL their referrals.

Get our App Business Card, so that you can
easily make your referrals from your smartphone.

What people are saying.

The most simple way that I have ever made money.
M Amber
I have never had an opportunity so simple and easy.
V sanders
I have to do so little and the global upside is amazing!
P matters



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